Understanding Truck Accident Injuries: What You Need to Know for a Successful Claim

Common Truck Accident Injuries 

paralysis truck accident injuries

Being injured in a truck accident can cost someone their livelihood or their life. Every day, large trucks transport goods from one location to another, often traveling long distances. Due to their size and weight, these massive vehicles can cause devastating injuries when involved in accidents, affecting not only the drivers but also other motorists on the road. 

If you were injured in a California truck accident, contact the truck accident lawyers at Sierra Accident Lawyers. We can help you rebuild your life and hold the negligent party accountable. Free consultation by calling (909) 942-7632


Causes of Truck Accidents 

truck accident statistics from motor vehicle accidents

From 2020 to 2021, fatal crashes involving large trucks or buses increased by 17%. Moreover, in just 2021, more than 119,000 truck accidents led to injuries, and 5,904 large trucks and buses led to fatalities. Most of the injuries and fatalities are attributed to passenger vehicle occupants and not truck drivers. 

Driver Fatigue

An estimated 30% of truck accidents are caused by truck driver fatigue. Truck drivers must spend long hours on the road, which, combined with a lack of sleep, can lead to fatigue and exhaustion. Symptoms of fatigue include heavy eyelids, constant yawning, and difficulty focusing. If truck drivers experience any of these symptoms, they should immediately pull over and rest. 

Distracted Driving

Distractions are everywhere – in the cab, outside the window, and on a cell phone. Common distractions include texting, talking on the phone, using dispatch devices, eating and drinking, and reaching for an object in the vehicle. 

Speeding and Reckless Driving

Speeding is a factor in a third of all traffic accidents in the U.S., including truck accidents. For truck drivers, speeding results in much more serious consequences. In all 50 states, driving 15 mph or more over the speed limit is classified as a serious offense.  Every speeding ticket results in fines and adds points to a license, potentially leading to a suspension of driving privileges and loss of a commercial driver’s license (CDL). 

Additionally, speeding negatively impacts your carrier’s Compliance, Safety, and Accountability (CSA) scores. Most importantly, it endangers your life and the lives of everyone on the road, increasing the risk of severe injury or even death. 

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is a serious issue that poses significant risks, especially for truck drivers who operate large, heavy vehicles. The consequences of driving under the influence (DUI) are severe, not only for the truck driver but also for other road users. 

For truck drivers, a DUI can lead to the immediate suspension of CDL, hefty fines, and even imprisonment. Beyond legal repercussions, drunk driving drastically increases the likelihood of accidents, which can result in severe injuries or fatalities due to the size and weight of trucks. 


Types of Injuries 

traumatic brain injuries and Broken bones from truck accidents

In the majority of truck accidents, the occupants of smaller vehicles suffer the most serious injuries. This is mainly due to the size differential between large trucks and passenger vehicles. Semi-trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, while passenger cars weigh around 4,000 pounds. 

Below are some of the most common types of truck accident injuries: 

Broken Bones

Even a low-speed rear-end truck accident can result in fractures in the arms, legs, ribs, or other parts of the body due to the impact of the crash. Depending on the type and location of the fracture, recovery can take weeks or months to heal.  


In severe truck accident cases, like rollovers or spilled cargo accidents, flammable liquids can catch fire, leading to deadly explosions and fires. If fuel ignites during the collision, severe burns may occur, leading to painful and potentially disfiguring injuries. If this occurs, recovery can be a lifelong process. A truck accident should compensate victims for not only their current medical expenses but also their future expenses, including physical therapy and medication.  

Head Injuries

A head injury or traumatic brain injury can lead to mild, short-term symptoms or long-term disability or death, depending on the severity of the truck accident injury. While a concussion is classified as a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), a more severe TBI can lead to permanent brain damage. Head and brain injuries affect a person’s cognitive, emotional, and physical abilities. 

Internal Injuries

Not all injuries are external – damage to organs like the liver, kidneys, or lungs often requires immediate attention or emergency surgery. Internal injuries can be thought of as silent killers because they are not always easily detectable or found. 

Back and Neck Injuries 

Whiplash, herniated discs, and other back and neck injuries are frequent due to the forceful impact of a truck accident. In the case of a rear-end truck accident or sideswipe accident, the impact is abrupt and jolting, which can cause serious damage to the victim’s head, neck, and back. Recovering from a back injury can be a long road and may result in extensive missed time from work. 

Spinal Cord Injuries 

One of the most serious types of truck accident injuries is a spinal cord injury. This can lead to paralysis or other forms of disability, affecting mobility and quality of life. An accident involving a commercial truck like an 18-wheeler can cause spinal cord injuries if the collision exerts a high level of force, which can compress, crush, or fracture the vertebrae. 

Wrongful Death 

Unfortunately, due to the severity of truck accidents, fatalities are not uncommon. If a truck accident kills your loved one, surviving family members may be entitled to pursue a wrongful death claim against those responsible. 

A wrongful death claim helps cover funeral expenses, lost future income, and other damages suffered by surviving family members. 


The Importance of Medical Attention

Serious injury broken bones

It’s essential to seek medical attention immediately after a truck accident, as some injuries may not be immediately apparent, including internal injuries and traumatic brain injuries.

Prompt medical attention can help prevent long-term effects and reduce the risk of complications. It also helps give credibility to a truck accident claim. If a truck accident victim fails to seek medical care, it signals to the insurance company that the victim was not hurt in the accident. 

After seeking medical treatment, reach out to a personal injury lawyer. A lawyer can advise you on how to best recover compensation for your truck accident injuries.


Talk to an Experienced Truck Accident Attorney

Accidents involving semi trucks

If you suffered injurie in a truck accident, don’t hesitate to contact a truck accident lawyer for legal guidance. An experienced truck accident attorney can help you understand your rights and options, including the possibility of filing a truck accident case against the trucking company or other responsible parties.

Most truck accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they do not collect any upfront legal fees unless and until they win your case. Contact Sierra Accident Lawyers today to set up your free case evaluation. 

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