The Process of Hiring Car Accident Attorneys

Rancho Cucamonga Car Accident Lawyers

wooden blocks with lettering to ask for help, encouraging to find help from Rancho Cucamonga Car Accident Lawyers

Approximately 278,000 people were injured in California car accidents in a recent year, according to statewide motor vehicle collision data. These cases amount to potentially costly losses including physical injuries, property damage, and lost wages. Hiring credible and helpful car accident lawyers is the best way to successfully navigate the situation. Keep reading to understand the process of hiring and finding the most credible help you with your car accident case.


Know the Importance of a Car Accident Lawyer 

If you live and drive in Rancho Cucamonga and get into an accident, you must understand how car accident cases are handled. Lawyers are vital to any personal injury case.  They prove the details of your claim, work to show the other party to be negligent, and help to evaluate how much money your case is worth.

Personal injury attorneys can expedite the process while still making sure you’re adequately compensated. This is important since California has a 2-year statute of limitations, starting from the date that the injury occurred.

However, if the vehicle wreck involved a government agency, you must file a claim 6 months to a year from the date of the incident.  Hiring a lawyer as quickly as possible allows you to examine the circumstances so that you’re on track with the statute of limitations.


Vet the Experience and Knowledge of Your Lawyer

Get a rundown of the attorney’s legal background.  This determines whether they’re experienced enough to try your case. This includes learning where they attended law school and if they have been admitted to the California State Bar.

Find out how many years they have practiced law. Also, ask for references for previous cases that they have worked on. Compare the experience and expertise of different law firms as you decide who you’d like to hire.

Finalize an agreement with your lawyer after learning how much they charge. You should leave the consultation with a rate sheet and a contract to look over. In general, expect personal injury lawyers to charge 20%-50% in contingency fees for their services. Find out if they charge any additional fees, or if you’re charged the cost of the case if they are not able to win it for you.

Ask the law firm about cases they’ve tried in the past and how yours compares. Learn their win percentage, and choose a firm that finds success with its personal injury cases.


Schedule a Free Consultation

The free consultation is when you get the chance to have the lawyer field all of your questions. Attorneys may offer these consultations free of charge to find out if you have a viable case, and whether it’s a good fit for their firm.

This is also when you get to find out if you can put trust in the firm to deliver results. Judge their communication skills, tone, and compassion when discussing your case. Studies show that more than 39% of car accident survivors develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Car accident lawyers should be sensitive to this fact and should act with a firm calmness, and help you find resources to help with your emotional distress.

Find out which attorney at the firm will take the lead on your case. Then, ask which methods of communication are best when you need a question answered.

They will also provide you with a contract with an agreement that you’ll sign if you decide to hire the firm. Read through the contract to know exactly what terms you’re agreeing to prior to moving forward.


Compare Personal Injury Law Firms

People with personal injury cases often make the mistake of hiring car accident lawyers too quickly without testing the market. Speak to multiple law firms so that you can compare their fees, experience, and the level of comfort that you have when speaking to them.

You can also compare their online reviews and testimonials from previous clients. When researching reviews and testimonials, pay careful attention to comments about the type of case, the level of difficulty, and how the lawyer navigated the situation to provide clarity, transparency, and most importantly, a successful resolution.


Prep for the Deposition Process

Depositions are commonplace in car accident personal injury cases. A deposition is an out-of-court testimony that discusses the facts of the accident and your rendition of what took place. The deposition is generally led by the other party’s attorney and takes place under oath.

You’ll need the help of your attorney to prepare you for the deposition process, which is why making the right hire is so important. The attorney will ask you a series of questions, and your responses are recorded by a court reporter.

After being prepped by your car accident lawyer, you will have a better idea of the questions that will be asked and will get used to speaking factually and sticking to the facts without getting flustered, nervous, or confused.

An attorney will also advise you on details such as how you should dress and present yourself during the deposition.


Help from Quality Car Accident Lawyers

Working with a car accident lawyer can help you get maximum compensation for your car accident claim. Sierra Accident Lawyers has the years of experience that you need to win your case. You can reach us online or by calling us at (909)942-7632.


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