About Sierra Accident Lawyers

Sierra Accident Lawyers is an award-winning personal injury law firm in Rancho Cucamonga. We represent injured victims of motor vehicle accidents in Southern California, including car accidents, truck accidents, rideshare accidents, and worker's compensation.

With a 99% success rate and millions of dollars recovered for our injured clients, our law office maintains high standards. Our dedicated legal team is ready to help you recover financial compensation for your injuries and damages, including lost wages and medical bills.

At Sierra Accident Lawyers, we operate on a contingency fee basis. This means that you won't face any upfront costs and you won't be charged a cent if we don't win your case. Our commitment is to your success. Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer to schedule a free consultation.


No Fees Unless We Win

Featured Attorney

Mr. Adam Vogt graduated with honors from the University of California, Davis, double majoring in History and Political Science. He then attended the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, for his Juris Doctorate Degree and was awarded the Witkin Award and Traynor Honor Society. Mr. Vogt was admitted to the State Bar of California in 2005.

Mr. Vogt has worked exclusively in personal injury law concerning workers' compensation for over 20 years. He is currently a member of the California Applicant's Attorney Association and the Sacramento County Bar, Workers' Compensation Section.

During his professional legal career, Mr. Vogt was:

  • The Former Officer of the California Applicant's Attorney Association for three years
  • The Former President of the Sacramento County Bar Association in 2011
  • A three-year board member of the Sacramento County Bar Association, Workers' Compensation Section
  • A speaker on the subsequent injuries fund panel
Adam Vogt, Esq., Of Counsel

Types of Cases We Handle

Sierra Accident Lawyers

8274 White Oak Avenue Suite 100
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Phone: (909) 942-7632

Awards and Recognition